Blog authorMarijana Gligoric

How to Make a Community App: Monetize Your Audience as a Content Creator and Influencer

There are millions of influencers and content creators in the world.

Most earn money through creator funds that pay cents for thousands of views.

This means they build huge communities to earn less than they spend to create content in the first place.

This is why many do brand deals.

But that’s not the only option.

In 2024 creators and influencers are building their own brands and community apps.

With these platforms, they are monetizing their reach and online community.

If you are a content creator or an influencer and you want to earn from your creative work, an app builder like will make that happen.

What is a community app and why do you need it?

A community app is an application that lets you connect and share content with your followers who pay to access it, functioning as a dedicated community platform.

Unlike a Facebook group, a community app offers more control, customization, and monetization options.

It’s the best way to monetize your audience in 2024.

You get to set up your own rules and since you own it you can customize it to your liking.

There is no risk that your content will be removed.

Also, there are no community guidelines like on Instagram and TikTok that limit your expression.

You have full control and you are earning way more from your audience than on any of the social media platforms.

Examples of influencers who made community apps

  1. Leana Deeb

  2. Logan Paul

  3. KK Fit

  4. Lilly Sabri

  5. KSI

  6. Kylie Jenner

  7. Kim Kardashian

These are just some of those who made their apps and created brands to monetize their audience. These influencers are not just content creators but also community leaders who engage and manage their followers effectively.

10 features you need in your own community app

To make a successful community app that engages and attracts community members, you need certain features.

Here’s a list of 10 features you need to have if you want your app to bring in revenue.

1. Notifications


Users need real-time updates.

Notifications keep everyone informed about new posts, comments, or direct messages.

They help users stay active and engaged by letting them know what’s happening in the community.

Users are also more likely to see the content and get on your platform if they receive a notification.

This is a classic feature every platform has, so you can't miss out.

2. Chat

Two phones with chat screens

An in-app chat allows users to message each other and/or talk to the creators directly.

This feature helps creators connect with their audience easily with instant messaging.

Users love an intimate, one-on-one approach, so a chat feature is a must.

Direct conversations can build stronger bonds and improve collaboration.

3. Exclusive content

Exclusive workout content

Offering exclusive content to users keeps them coming back.

This can include special videos, behind-the-scenes looks, online courses, or early access to new content.

It gives users a reason to stay engaged and feel valued.

It's also one of the main reasons your audience uses your platform.

4. Gamification

Weight and hight questionairee

Adding game-like elements makes the app more fun.

Points, badges, and leaderboards encourage users to participate more.

Gamification can increase user activity and make the community more lively.

You don't have to turn the entire platform into a game of course.

A few gamified features will make boring parts of the platform more vivid and tolerable for users.

5. Themed channels/groups

Create group and invite members screens

Creating themed groups or channels helps users find content and people with similar interests.

This feature organizes online communities into smaller, focused groups.

It makes it easier for users to connect and engage with like-minded people.

With this feature, all your followers will find something for themselves.

6. Event management

Two events with data

This is usually a set of features that lets creators plan, promote, and manage upcoming events easily.

This could include live streaming, Q&A sessions, workshops, or virtual events.

Users can RSVP, receive reminders, and get updates about live events as well as online ones.

This brings the community together, allowing members to interact in real time and participate in special activities.

It’s a great way to boost engagement and provide value to the community.

7. Content moderation

Pie chart on social media revenue

If you post on social media you are aware of the bots and trolls.

They leave nasty comments and offensive messages.

The content moderation feature helps you fight them so you can maintain a safe and respectful community.

It allows monitoring and managing user-generated content to remove inappropriate or harmful posts.

Automated filters and human moderators work together to make sure that the content aligns with community guidelines.

This feature helps create a positive environment where users feel comfortable and safe.

8. Socal media integration

Share file screen

This feature allows users to share your platform or part of the content with others.

It's a way for you to reach a bigger audience without trying.

If users like something and share it with their friends and family there is a bigger chance that some of them will also use your platform.

This helps spread awareness.

It also increases the visibility of your platform.

9. Forums and discussions

Post on a fitness forum

Forums and discussion boards are spaces where users can start conversations and participate in ongoing discussions, creating an interactive virtual community.

This feature supports conversations on various topics, helping users communicate, share knowledge, ask questions, and connect over shared interests.

Forums can be organized by topics, making it easy for users to find and join discussions relevant to them.

It’s a valuable tool for building a strong and engaged community.

10. Multimedia content

Picture from a beach of a man sitting with a drink in carton in hand

Supporting multimedia content means you and your users can share more than just text.

You can upload videos, images, audio files, and more.

Users can watch tutorials, listen to podcasts, view photo galleries, and enjoy a rich, multimedia experience.

They can also share their own multimedia content and interact with others.

This feature improves the overall user experience by making the content more interactive and attractive.


Having followers is no longer just about popularity.

It’s a way for any influencer and content creator to earn money by monetizing their audience and following.

Community mobile apps allow them to do this.

An online community platform provides a space for influencers to interact directly with their target audience.

By offering a dedicated space for sharing content, updates, or personal insights, online courses, and more creators can build a thriving community and offer value to their followers.

If you are a content creator on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or any other social media platform this is your sign to use the platform that you’ve built to earn more.

How to make a community app (Google Play Store/App Store)?

It’s easy to build a community app or any other influencer/content creator app with the help of a trusted partner like

We are not just software engineers!

We go beyond the code and use our marketing, sales, and business knowledge to help you make the best mobile application possible that’s going to sell on its own.

With experience across industries, we can help you profit from your community.

Our services include:

  • mobile app development

  • web app development

  • AI&blockchain integration

  • UI/UX design

We are a one-stop shop for all your needs.

Reach out and let’s launch your own app!