Experience in software development across industries

Transform your digital presence to attract more attention and scale your business.

Top 3Case Studies
Rewardly logo
Rewardly project
Gamified Task Manager
1MEstimated value after 6 months
View case study
Transformers Community project
No. 1
Social Media for Mental Health
1stApp with a solution like this on the market
WonOranje Fonds
View case study
No. 1 Speaking club
400Users in the first two months with zero marketing
1stApplication with a solution like this in its country’s marketplace
View case study
Coffee Talk project
OtherCase Studies

Mobile App


Transformers Community

A visionary therapist from the Netherlands, wanted to create a safe space for everyone. This idea turned into the Transformers Community - social media for mental health. Read more and learn why this platform became the go-to social media for many young people.


App with a solution like this on the market


Oranje Fonds



Created by experts in the medical field this modern solution helps new parents. BabyFM combines software, hardware, and AI to monitor and record the two most important parameters in early development - temperature and medication. It allows real-time updates that make parents’ lives easier. Read more and learn how we made this unique solution function effortlessly in the homes of users everywhere.


Interest in the community




Robin Assistant

A Dutch professor wanted to improve the quality of life for mentally challenged people. The solution was an assistive application connected to the web with AI intended to help users with everyday activities. Read more and learn how we used AI to build an offline-first app connected to a web platform.


Signed up for BETA


Partner hospitals



Developed for a warehouse company, Primous helps employees and managers reduce the number of repetitive actions and working hours. The software makes warehouse management easy even for those who are less tech savvy. Read more and learn how management systems can be simple but effective.


Saved hours for the employer


Employees using application

Web App


Rewardly Task Manager

Ex-Google sales expert wanted to boost productivity and increase profit with a single software. The solution was a platform with gamified features. Now, the software helps companies struggling with performance and motivation by turning work into play. Learn how we used gamification to improve motivation with a single SaaS solution.


Estimated value after 6 months





Two innovation and investment banking experts came up with a brilliant idea – how to make investing and finance more accessible. The solution was a FinTech and EdTech platform for informing and learning with personalized insights into the world of investing and hypothetical portfolios. Read more and learn about gamified features and discover how Economi.AI makes learning about investing fun.


Ecosystem interest


Application with a solution like this on the market


Coffee Talk

A solopreneur teacher wanted to combine her knowledge and the theory of activation of passive knowledge to create an innovative system for learning English. The solution was an EdTech platform for learning English with gamification that is unique on the market. Read more if you want to know how we made learning fun with gamification.


Users in the first two months with zero marketing


Application with a solution like this in its country’s marketplace



A blockchain platform that connects entrepreneurs with investors. Belex makes it easy to fund innovative ideas and discover new opportunities. It combines the best of both worlds for mutual profit. Read more and learn how we use blockchain in our projects.


Blockchain crowdfunding platform

The best

Startup choice



A businessman wanted to create a space for people to sell clothes and accessories made by smaller businesses. The solution was ReWear - a platform that gives people a chance to explore clothes beyond fast fashion labels. Read more if you want to know how we made smaller brands trendy with customized elements.


Choice by small businesses


Users in first year


Our solutions to the problems different industries face

Choose your industry:



Cybersecurity vulnerabilities
Compliance automation challenges
User experience friction
Difficulty with service personalization
Complex integration
Scalability and reliability issues

It can be better.

We know how to do it better.

Here's How



AI-Powered Technology and Blockchain

We use AI and blockchain to improve security, efficiency, and transparency. Our system ensures proactive threat detection, fraud prevention, and secure transactions.

Scalable and Secure Architecture

Our architecture provides scalable and secure protection of sensitive financial data against cyber threats through robust security measures.

Customer-Centric Approach

Our approach prioritizes user needs and preferences, with personalized UX and UI that improves user engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Top 1

from this industry



Two innovation and investment banking experts came up with a brilliant idea – how to make investing and finance more accessible. The solution was a FinTech and EdTech platform for informing and learning with personalized insights into the world of investing and hypothetical portfolios. Read more and learn about gamified features and discover how Economi.AI makes learning about investing fun.


Ecosystem interest


Application with a solution like this on the market

The best way of building software  Products


Product Discovery

We will guide you through defining your product vision and present our way of working from a business and operations perspective. Also, we’ll tell you if your product is worth developing or not based on the current market.

Other companies
  • Product vision
  • Scoping
  • User stories with KPIs
  • Proposing the best approach
  • Setting up expectations
  • Creating a client guide
  • Cost and risk analysis
  • Defining technologies
  • Research

Project Kick-off

In collaboration with you, we initiate the project and establish its foundation.

Other companies
  • Project plan
  • Setting tasks and working on them
  • Planning
  • Assigning a project manager
  • Implementing procedures
  • Aligning with the client
  • Setting up architecture

Design and Usability Testing

After conducting market research and analyzing user experience, we design and perform usability testing to create the best solution.

Other companies
  • Creating a design
  • Testing
  • Feedback
  • Competitive analysis
  • Style guide
  • User personas
  • User journey map
  • User flow
  • Wireframes
  • End design
  • Testing with future users
  • Collecting feedback
  • Adjusting the design according to feedback

Product Development

The platform's security, stability, and scalability are based on a strong architecture. The development phase ensures these results.

Other companies
  • Setting up the architecture
  • Backend development
  • Frontend development
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Setting up the architecture
  • Backend development
  • Frontend development
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Ensuring security
  • Prioritizing stability
  • Combining code with sales and business
  • Scalability
  • Allowing pivoting at any stage


Before launching we conduct a final test to ensure the product's functionality, even though testing is part of the process from the start.

Other companies
  • Tests after launch
  • Testing done at every stage
  • Safety testing before launch
  • Creating test scenarios
  • Planning
  • Researching potential problems
  • Ensuring stability and security
  • Coordinating with the client

Launch and Maintenance

We launch the final product, monitor its performance, and provide maintenance for a smooth user experience. After launch, we discuss the process with you and consider future improvements

Other companies
  • Launching the platform
  • Testing
  • Maintenance
  • Updates
  • Launching the solution
  • BETA testing
  • Support
  • Maintenance based on client’s needs
  • Bug fixes
  • Performance optimization
  • Security Updates
  • Regular Backups
  • Third-party privacy updates
  • Retrospective
  • Consulting for future improvements
  • Planning

Results of our Process

97% Positive Feedback

There’s a reason why our clients work with us for an average of 3 years

CEO and Founder at Rewardly

brigit.dev has revolutionized our IT infrastructure.

Collaborating with brigit.dev was a delight! Their exceptional dedication and professionalism were evident from the very beginning. I was impressed with their ability to stay open to different ideas and perspectives while still maintaining a high level of quality in the results they delivered. Highly recommend!

Rudy van Duijvenvoorde

CEO and Founder at Rewardly

Rewardly logo
Founder & CEO at Economia.AI

From the very start, their dedication, expertise, and passion for their work were evident.

Marijana's leadership is nothing short of inspiring. Her deep understanding of our project, combined with her innovative approach, ensures that the whole operation was handled with the utmost precision and creativity. Srdjan complements her perfectly with his keen technical insights and unwavering commitment to quality. Together, they form an unbeatable team that consistently delivers excellent results.

Rodolfo Falletti

Founder & CEO at Economia.AI

Economia.AI logo
CEO at Transformers Community

We were impressed with their true passion and dedication to creating apps that make a difference in the world.

brigit.dev delivered the app, which received positive feedback from users who tested it. The app's good UX design and functioning backend contributed to achieving the platform's core purpose. Moreover, the vendor was passionate and dedicated. They also answered the client's queries promptly via email.

Iris Workum

CEO at Transformers Community

Partner and CEO at Bemika Group

They are technology lovers with a business development orientation.

In my 20+ years in tech industry I have rarely come across such a strong & responsible team as the one I had a privilege of doing business with! They have shown a great attention to detail, constructive advice, communication skills and a high level of technical skills during a very dynamic and transparant process!

Milos Despotovic

Partner and CEO at Bemika Group

Founder & CEO - Coffee Talk

Choosing brigit.dev turned out to be the best decision for our project.

With their help, we created the CoffeeTalk platform with an innovative way to improve English conversation through voice messages. Their design was fantastic, and they really thought about the customer journey, not just the features. What really stood out to me was how the team actually cared about our project. Their dedication and support made the whole process not just successful, but truly enjoyable.

Nina Jagodić-Kuridža

Founder & CEO - Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk logo
CEO at Mediaways.nl

They showed their creativity in every step of our work.

We are building a task management software together and I am very happy with the communication, the ability to think along, creative ideas and the result they has created! Definitely a must for everyone's network and cooperation.

Jimmy Middendorp

CEO at Mediaways.nl


Ask our Experts

Hi, I'm Srdjan. CTO and Founder of brigit.dev. Book a 1 on 1 consultation with me and start today!

Connect with me if you want to (finally) achieve the results you are after.