
How Coffee Talk became Duolingo for millennials with gamification

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Users in the first two months with zero marketing


Application with a solution like this in its country’s marketplace

About project

Gamified EdTech platform for learning English

Coffee Talk is a gamified platform for learning English that focuses on activating passive language knowledge. Created by an English teacher it offers a customized experience with different learning packages and teachers assigned to students based on their preexisting knowledge and needs. Teachers have their version of the platform for delivering all the materials and tracking student progress. Homework, tests, voice, and writing exercises made by teachers paired with gamified features help students learn in a fun and easy way.

Client name

Nina Jagodić-Kuridža





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Challenge 1

The client wanted a secure solution with strong data protection

Challenge 2

The platform had to be scalable because new languages and methods will be added soon after launch

Challenge 3

The platform had to be easy and fun to use

Project preview

Encryption and secure data handling

To address the data protection we implemented robust encryption protocols and procedures. All sensitive information, including personal data and analytics, is encrypted during transmission and when stored. Regular security audits and updates help identify and minimize the risk of any potential vulnerabilities.

Modular architecture for scalability

To ensure scalability we adopted a modular architecture approach for the platform. Each component is designed as a separate module so integrating new elements in the future will be easier. This modular design also ensures that the performance won’t be compromised at any point. Additionally, we implemented API-based communication between modules, to ensure flexibility and interoperability across different components of the platform.

Gamified learning experience

To create an engaging and user-friendly platform, we used gamification inspired by apps like Duolingo. Every activity on the platform revolves around the app’s mascot that helps with onboarding, homework, practicing, and learning. Interactive exercises and quizzes are created for the millennial targeted audience to make learning more fun. A visually interesting and intuitive user interface improves the overall user experience. It also makes it easy for users to navigate the platform and track their progress.

The Result


Tables in the DB


Screens for admin and user platform

The result was an EdTech solution that helps people learn English with ease. A user-friendly, interactive, and scalable solution that speeds up the learning and teaching process. The platform allows online paying, time tracking, and voice exercise making things easier for all users - students and teachers. Gamified elements combined with engaging content and professional support make this app a market hit.

Visual results

Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result

Key Features

Voice recording

The platform allows users to record voice assignments that professors can review and give feedback on. This helps students improve their verbal skills.

Most common mistakes

This feature recognizes what mistakes students make the most and highlights them. This way students and teachers know what to focus on. Also, these mistakes connect to additional articles that help students to correct them.


A set of features used to motivate users and make the learning process more enjoyable.

Time tracker

This feature is designed for teachers to track their time and calculate how much they’ve earned.

Stripe integration

Used for online paying.

Cross-selling and up-selling

These features show up on the dashboard and increase revenue by offering students to upgrade their plans.


Step by Step

Development step 1


During this phase, we worked closely with the client to define clear project goals and establish key deliverables. Meetings and workshops helped us identify core features and functionalities. We also addressed the challenges of data protection, scalability, and user experience. This ensured alignment with the client's vision and objectives from the start.

Development step 2

UX Research

We researched the targeted audience to understand their behavior, wants and needs better. We talked with potential users and analyzed similar existing products on the market. This allowed us to create a user flow and user journey map that predicts user behavior based on user personas. By doing this we ensured that the platform would meet the needs of its targeted audience.

Development step 3

Style Guide

We developed a style guide containing typography, color palettes, iconography, and other visual elements, ensuring consistency. The style guide served as a reference for designers and developers throughout the design and development process. The dominant color is yellow - the color of the client's brand. We also used green and blue for gamification features for feelings of accomplishment and encouragement.

Development step 4


With the design, we focused on usability, accessibility, and engagement. The design ensured intuitive navigation and clear communication of information through the user interface. Through design, the learning process was turned into visual segments that translated the user stories into graphic components. Gamified UI helps millennial users perceive the platform as a game. This way design encourages learning and makes navigation easier.

05Software Architecture and Development

With development and software architecture we prioritized flexibility, scalability, and security to address the client's requirements.

After the design was completed usability testing allowed us to find areas of improvement. We started with low-fidelity wireframes and prototypes to validate concepts and gather feedback from founders and future users. Regular testing ensured code quality and reliability.

Stripe integration allows online payments. We implemented robust security measures, including encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive user data. We used JS technologies to optimize performance, reliability, and scalability.

The frontend and backend development was done in parallel. We used mantine design for frontend. The in-app notification system relies on an event bus mechanism to ensure that students and teachers get notified on time. This is very important when it comes to payments and homework reviews.

For recording voice assignments we used the media recorder from HTML. This allows students to practice their verbal skills and address any problematic areas that are overlooked in written exercises. This is the key functionality for our client and their method of working.

Design and Development
Design and DevelopmentDesign and Development
Development step 6

Testing and Collecting Users' Feedback

Testing is part of our working process from the start. We test after adding every feature and achieving each milestone. However, when the product is ready to launch we test it again to ensure everything is working properly. We then start the beta testing phase and see how the platform performs live. This way we can gather real-time user insights. After launch, we focus on fixing bugs and improving the platform even more.

Coffee Talk logo
Founder & CEO - Coffee Talk

Choosing brigit.dev turned out to be the best decision for our project.

With their help, we created the CoffeeTalk platform with an innovative way to improve English conversation through voice messages. Their design was fantastic, and they really thought about the customer journey, not just the features. What really stood out to me was how the team actually cared about our project. Their dedication and support made the whole process not just successful, but truly enjoyable.

Nina Jagodić-Kuridža

Founder & CEO - Coffee Talk

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