
Why Transformers Community is Replacing Instagram as Social Media for Mental Health

project image


App with a solution like this on the market


Oranje Fonds

About project

Instagram-inspired app for mental health awareness

Transformers Community is a social media app dedicated to mental health, created by a psychotherapist from the Netherlands. The platform creates a safe space for users to share their struggles, emotions, and experiences. It breaks the stigma surrounding mental health with features that create room for healing and growth.

Client name

Iris Workum


Social media



project preview
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Challenge 1

The client wanted an app that could handle a large user base

Challenge 2

The app had to protect sensitive user information

Challenge 3

The app’s UI and UX had to be adjusted for a sensitive audience

Project preview

Complex hybrid mobile application

The complex hybrid mobile application is designed to ensure compatibility with both iOS and Android platforms, offering a seamless user experience on different devices. It can support a large number of users simultaneously, regardless of the device or operating system they are using. It guarantees reliable performance, making it an ideal solution for large user bases.

Admin portal

An admin portal provides control and management of the entire platform to ensure safety. It allows administrators to oversee operations, manage users, and access detailed analytics. The customizable access controls and user management features ensured optimal platform security.

Design that follows the newest trends

The UI design is soothing while it follows the latest trends. It makes the platform modern and attractive to younger audiences. Intuitive UX and user-friendly elements ensure an enjoyable user experience.

The Result


Tables in DB


Database transactions daily

The result was a modern, easy-to-use, friendly app. The first of its kind on the market. With thousands of users joining after launch the platform helped many to navigate mental health struggles. The app created a safe space thanks to a soothing UI combined with an intuitive UX. The app revolutionizes mental health awareness.

Visual results

Visual result
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Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result

Key Features


This feature allows communication between users on the platform. They can talk, share experiences, posts, memes, etc.


This is where therapists post content, announce future events, share useful materials, and offer advice to users. This feature is crucial in showing support and understanding to the sensitive user base.


Just like on Instagram, there is a special section for viewing the newest content. This is also where users post their content and comment on other posts.

Daily gratefulness

A section for users to post what they are grateful for every day.

Admin panel

Allows control over user’s profiles and their activity for safety and security.


Step by Step

Development step 1


We defined the platform's scope through discussions and strategic planning with our client. Understanding the vulnerability of future users and creating a safe space for them demanded a lot of empathy and research during brainstorming.

Development step 2

UX Research

We researched the targeted audience to understand their struggles. Gathering real user feedback for user personas and talking to psychiatrists helped us create an intuitive and user-friendly user journey and user flow. This phase was crucial for us because the impact of the user experience on this platform is huge.

Development step 3

Style Guide

Using soft pastel colors, rounded fonts, and similar elements created a comforting design. On a psychological level, these visual elements stimulate feelings of calmness and trust. This is why the platform doesn't overwhelm the users.

Development step 4


We turned user insights into a soothing interface. By prioritizing intuitive navigation and clear information architecture, we developed a UI that turned the initial vision into a community space. Design translated user stories into visual components that followed easy navigation. Based on research and the style guide design relied on psychology to make every functionality visually alive keeping in mind the impact it has on users. This is why design reflects safety and trust.

05Software Architecture and Development

While developing the Transformers Community we focused on a strong software architecture based on trusted frameworks from our tech stack.

Our two main objectives were: scalability and security. We used the expo development environment for integration on both Android and iOS platforms. This way the app can be used on different devices.

Since the platform was intended for a large user base we prioritized the protection of sensitive user data. To ensure confidentiality, we implemented security measures and encryption. This way the platform’s integrity can’t be compromised.

Because real-time communication is the main functionality of the application we used web sockets to ensure that users can chat live. This way the app isn’t any different from other social media platforms.

For managing database transactions, we relied on internal frameworks engineered for efficiency and reliability. These frameworks made data handling processes run smoothly and securely. They improved the overall performance and stability of the platform.

To make the user experience better and boost engagement, we used expo notification services. With notifications, users receive updates and new insights. This way they never miss out on quality content and feel a sense of community and support within the platform.

Design and DevelopmentDesign and Development
Development step 6

Testing and Collecting Users' Feedback

Testing and gathering feedback allowed us to address any issues and make improvements. We tested the product at every stage multiple times, because of its sensitive user base. This is why we relied on user feedback throughout the process. Beta testing and bug reports after launch helped us improve the platform even more.

Transformers Community logo
CEO at Transformers Community

We were impressed with their true passion and dedication to creating apps that make a difference in the world.

brigit.dev delivered the app, which received positive feedback from users who tested it. The app's good UX design and functioning backend contributed to achieving the platform's core purpose. Moreover, the vendor was passionate and dedicated. They also answered the client's queries promptly via email.

Iris Workum

CEO at Transformers Community

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