
How an eCommerce platform helps smaller businesses sell with customized elements

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Choice by small businesses


Users in first year

About project

eCommerce fashion shop

ReWear was born out of a desire to improve the way people consume fashion. An attractive and intuitive UI/UX design motivates users to buy sustainable fashion from smaller brands. Sellers offer their pieces and buyers can review what’s available and purchase desired items. Connections with courier services and package shops, smooth transactions, and reliable delivery processes simplify the process for buyers and sellers. Customized analytics allows adaptation to market changes so the platform stays relevant.

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Challenge 1

The client wanted a SaaS solution that is scalable but focused on the sales process

Challenge 2

The platform had to be easy to use and accommodate the needs of the big user base our client already has

Challenge 3

The client wanted to integrate the old data into the platform without compromising security

Project preview

Scalable architecture

To tackle the system's complexity, including connections with courier services and package shops, we implemented major optimizations. Our focus on scalability allowed the platform to handle large amounts of data and users, as well as information about package checks without compromising the overall efficiency.

Mobile-first web platform

Our research showed that 98% of users would access ReWear through mobile devices. So, we chose a mobile-first approach and ensured the best experience on mobile devices. The design, appearance, and functionality were created with mobile users in mind.

Complex admin dashboard with custom analytics

Our admin panel was a game-changer for our client because it provided information on functionality and essential sales statistics. This helped our client gain valuable insight into the sales process without losing the sales data that was already collected. Customized analytics let us track critical metrics efficiently and safely with added security measures.

The Result


Tables in DB


API endpoints

The result was a trendy and attractive eCommerce platform with UX and UI design that improves the sales process. A user-centric, adaptable, and engaging marketplace with intuitive features. Advanced analytics and a system focused on sales created a solution that stands out on the market. Design principles rooted in user psychology, supported by robust software architecture, transformed the client's vision into a commercially successful solution.

Visual results

Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result

Key Features


Two-sided marketplace for buyers and sellers.

Site Search

The platform offers advanced search with different filters.


The algorithm suggests new items to buyers based on their previous purchases.


The platform notifies users about new purchases, payments, upcoming deliveries, and other relevant information.

Order tracking

This feature allows users to track their orders and see when their items will be delivered.


Step by Step

Development step 1


During the first two weeks of the project, we were scoping. We defined the project's objectives, and timeline, and established clear deliverables. Understanding the process of selling and buying was crucial for development. This is why we constantly communicate with our clients and potential users from day one.

Development step 2

UX Research

Interviews and surveys with current and potential users helped us while researching user behavior. User personas and user stories helped us understand the user journey and in this way shape user experience through development and design. Using the fact that our client has a huge Instagram following we were able to collect real-world data from users to customize the UX in the best way possible.

Development step 3

Style Guide

We invested time in creating a style guide based on psychology. Soft colors trigger feelings of positivity and warmth. The color black is used as a luxury accent color, that brings a sense of sophistication to the platform. Sharp edges, commonly found on popular fashion sites, added a modern touch. The font struck the perfect balance between readability and boldness. The style guide also defines typography, iconography, and other design elements that influence users.

Development step 4


The design phase focused on creating an intuitive and engaging user interface. Overview screens were created to highlight product displays and streamline user interactions. The purchase process is presented with a design that makes it easy for users to follow. Design components create a sense of comfort and excitement, and make the shopping experience stimulating for users. Images of real products paired with the design based on the style guide provide an authentic touch and improve user trust and transparency.

05Software Architecture and Development

The development of ReWear relied heavily on strong software architecture. This is why our tech stack focused on support and scalability. A robust and scalable software architecture supports growing user traffic and future expansion.

We used the Remix framework for server-side rendering, improving the performance and responsiveness of our webshop for both buyers and sellers. This allowed efficient data processing and content delivery, optimizing the user experience.

To meet the unique requirements of ReWear, we built a custom CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system made specifically for managing interactions between customers and sellers. This solution provided tools for order management, customer support, and inventory tracking, improving efficiency and customer experiences.

Additionally, the integration of React Admin Core with our backend infrastructure resulted in an admin panel, that allows management over platform operations. This integration optimized administrative tasks, providing real-time insights and control over critical aspects of the platform.

Our software architecture was developed to be flexible allowing easy integration of new features and improvements over time. This ensures that the platform remains responsive to evolving user demands and industry trends. ReWear was developed for growth. This is what gives it a competitive edge.

Design and Development
Design and DevelopmentDesign and Development
Development step 6

Testing and Collecting Users' Feedback

First, we did alpha testing with a select group of 5 users who engaged with the platform. This way we collected feedback and resolved any potential issues before launch. We then conducted beta testing with 20 users to resolve all additional issues. User feedback helped us deliver the best final solution. After the launch, real-time user feedback helped us improve the software even more.

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