
How Primous reduces the number of working hours while increasing productivity and organization

project image


Saved hours for the employer


Employees using application

About project

Warehouse management system

Created for a warehouse company, Primous is a warehouse management system that boosts productivity and improves efficiency. It helps workers track inventory, order processes, and shipment status on the go. It also allows managers to oversee employee activity simpler and faster than ever before. Primous improves the working process and helps keep everything in order.

Client name



ERP, Warehouse management systems



project preview
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Challenge 1

The client wanted to optimize work processes to reduce the number of repetitive actions and working hours

Challenge 2

The platform needed a simplified design for employees who struggle with using technology

Challenge 3

The platform had to integrate outside data like accounting information

Project preview

Mobile Application

A user-friendly mobile application designed for less tech-savvy employees proved as the best solution. It allowed easy access and a good overview for managers.

User Interface

A clean and intuitive user interface ensured a smooth and enjoyable user experience for all warehouse workers. The app's is designed for non-tech-savvy users so that they can easily navigate and access essential functionalities.

Admin Portal

We created an admin portal as a central control hub that combines external systems like accounting and website functionalities. With its minimal and simplified design, warehouse managers can easily oversee operations, optimize workflows, and access important data.

The Result


Items handled hourly


Events processed weekly

The result was a user-friendly app that improves warehouse management. With a simple design and intuitive navigation, it improves operations and organization. Design for users with different levels of technical expertise. With real-time tracking and automated inventory updates, it improves overall efficiency and productivity.

Visual results

Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result
Visual result

Key Features

Barcode scanner

Scanner used for reading labels and product data.

Advanced search

Search feature that allows users to look for items and warehouses with various filters.


Screen with analytics with various data used by admins.

Report generation

This feature allows scheduled report generation.


Different notifications for product arrival, departure, etc. provide users with timely updates.


Step by Step

Development step 1


We collaborated closely with the client and their employees to define and outline the scope of the platform. Since it had to fit their specific needs we made sure to collect as much feedback and test every idea from day one.

Development step 2

UX Research

User research based on employee experience and needs helped us gain valuable insights. Through user interviews and observation, we realized what challenges they were facing. Creating user personas and user journey maps helped us design a user-centric platform that simplified tasks and improved productivity. For this project, simplicity was one of our top priorities since the target audience was not so skilled with technology.

Development step 3

Style Guide

The style guide was inspired by the world of logistics. We wanted to replicate the dynamic nature of the warehouse environment. We used psychology to create the style guide to influence users through these elements on a deeper level. For example, the color blue represents a clean and professional design, reflecting the platform's focus on precision and order. Colors like orange and yellow were dominant because they are associated with packages.

Development step 4


The design phase focused on translating user insights into an intuitive and visually engaging app. We combined clear and efficient elements that allow users to view essential features easily. The design was based on an orange and blue palette from the style guide, bringing energy and professionalism into the platform's aesthetics. The design also turned user stories into simple visual components that are straightforward.

05Software Architecture and Development

Ensuring the scalability and optimal performance of the platform was our top priority during development. We designed a robust and flexible architecture capable of handling large amounts of data while maintaining system stability and responsiveness.

Utilizing the Expo development environment allowed us to integrate smoothly across Android and iOS devices. This provides a consistent and user-friendly experience for all users, keeping in mind their technical capabilities.

Our team created an internal framework to handle the event bus mechanism, that allows efficient communication and interaction within the application. This framework ensures that all components of the system can work together providing real-time updates.

To manage data transactions we developed an internal framework specifically for database operations. This framework ensures that all warehouse data is processed accurately and securely, maintaining the integrity of the system.

For external communications and data fetching, we used a restful API for smooth integration with various third-party services and systems. This API supports a wide range of functionalities, from data retrieval to processing operations.

Additionally, the Expo notifications service was used to manage alerts and reminders, keeping users informed with timely updates. This service plays a crucial role in maintaining efficient warehouse operations making sure that important information is communicated effectively.

Design and DevelopmentDesign and Development
Development step 6

Testing and Collecting Users' Feedback

Testing and real-user feedback helped us improve the platform. Our development team actively engaged with warehouse workers to validate the platform's usability, efficiency, and responsiveness. During beta testing and after launch the feedback we got helped us fine-tune the platform and deliver a product that met the needs and expectations of the end-users

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Developed for a warehouse company, Primous helps employees and managers reduce the number of repetitive actions and working hours. The software makes warehouse management easy even for those who are less tech savvy. Read more and learn how management systems can be simple but effective.


Saved hours for the employer


Employees using application

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